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Celebrating a Bat Mitzvah


Cheers, your daughter is becoming a Bat Mitzvah. The excitement is immense. Before you drive yourself crazy and get lost in the sea of ​​preparations and dilemmas, allow me to make your life easier by carrying some of the burden of organizing the event.

Many ways to celebrate this joyous event

As a matter of fact, there isn’t one single option.

Some families choose to celebrate a Bat Mitzvah at a large event hall and invite many guests. Others prefer to mark the occasion with a simple ceremony in a special place or hold a meaningful religious ceremony. Many choose to celebrate in multiple ways across different events. So how will you know what to do?

No matter how you choose to celebrate the Bat Mitzvah - I'm here for you!

Here are a few options


1. Torah Aliyah - Many girls and families choose to hold a religious Bat Mitzvah ceremony and mark their arrival at the age of mitzvot at the Western Wall or a synagogue.
At the remnants of the Temple, I would be happy to plan the most meaningful and special event for you. Your daughter can read from the Torah at the egalitarian section, while my staff and I will be there to provide the necessary support for the event. I am there for you from arranging transportation for the guests, through setting an assembly point, and reserving a restaurant or meal for after the event.


2. Fun Bat Mitzvah Party – At an event hall, banquet hall, or any other venue that comes to mind, the Bat Mitzvah party is a celebration of the birthday and rite of passage of your little princess (who’s not so little anymore...), and accordingly will be filled with attractions. I accompany you throughout the complex production process from choosing the best venue, through devising the theme, and on to managing the event itself. You enjoy peace of mind knowing that the Bat Mitzvah celebration is in good hands. At the same time, you can rest assured that I will be getting the best deals and bargains for you.


3. Tour – Many families celebrate this momentous occasion by really getting to know Israel. I can organize a quality Bat Mitzvah trip tailored to your daughter’s interests. Together, we will choose the route and activities (with the help of professional guides); my team and accompany the tour and take care of all the necessary arrangements such as refreshments, drinks, transportation, and the overall logistics to make sure everything runs smoothly .


A Bat Mitzvah is a once in a lifetime experience - let me make it the most meaningful, joyous and perfect one for you!


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